
Archive for Tumblr

Creative Research Project.

For my final project in Innovation and Social Media, I decided to make a companion Tumblr to the class blog. Drawing some from Michelle Bollman‘s idea from last semester’s class, I tried to arrange various media to define and explain the nature of social media today and its connection with constant innovation.

However, the ultimate innovation of my project is that it’s fully interactive. The Tumblelog is outfitted with post comments powered by Disqus and is open for readers to submit their own posts of relevant content. The beauty of Tumblr is its simplicity. Posts on this Tumblelog are meant to be short and sweet, whether text, photo, quotes, audio, video, or links to external blogs and/or articles.

So engage in the discussion. In a different way. Seriously, I encourage you to go ahead and start submitting relevant media even now if you want. I’d love to have some class-submitted content by the time presentations roll around on Thursday.

Without further ado, the #insome Tumblr.

An Introduction.

I’m Kyle. Junior Advertising major at Lee University. Creative at heart. I’m a freelance graphic designer, musician, photographer, and writer.

Surprisingly, this is my first WordPress blog. And, it’s for the purpose of discussing things in the world of social media. Truthfully, I’m not too big of a fan of WordPress for a  handful of reasons, but I figured the best way to stay completely plugged into my Innovation and Social Media class was to get on board with the WordPress stuff. What you’ll read here all pertains pretty directly to things associated with the class. So, if you’re interested in reading my personal blog about music, graphic design, and my Savior, check out my Tumblr. And further, if you’re interested in looking at my online portfolio or contacting me about anything involved with my freelancing, check out my professional website. And follow me on Twitter if you like. I try to keep it interesting.